Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fast Asleep

So...Ally had a hard time falling asleep tonight. She cried out "all done, all done" a lot. We were thinking, "what, you're all done sleeping? No way, kiddo - it's bedtime!" When she finally conked out I decided I had to go in to check on her. This is what I found:
Yes, we know she enjoys trying to get out of her sleeper, but until tonight she hadn't gotten her foot out. And yes, she often sleeps "the wrong way" in the crib, with arms or legs sticking out of the bars.

And no, OF COURSE we didn't wake her up to put the pajamas back on!


Mama Bear said...

Sooo cute, we appear to be experiencing the same thing!!!

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

She is so cute! I am surprised your picture taking didn't wake her up! Hope tonight is better : )

Vickie said...

Ally is sooo cute and very lucky to have great parents, Julie and Becky!!