Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Field Day

Field Day for Ally's school was last week. It was a gorgeous day and she had tons of fun.
The theme this year was the Olympics - Ally's class was Brazil - she has the Brazilian flag painted on her arm, and many of her classmates wore the colors of Brazil; yellow, green and blue. But we realized that Ally has no yellow or green or light blue shirts in her wardrobe!

 In the morning at before school! (Below - pink hat is Sonya, green shirt her older sister Maya, and in red is Willow) these girls are all before school together almost every day.

I found Ally at the water bucket relay race.  Her team mate Boden wore a helmet with a plastic cup attached - other team mates filled that cup with water by squeezing water out of sponges. Then Boden had to walk about 10 yards and pour the water from his cup into Ally's bucket. 
 They won!

 Next up was another relay - your team mates laid down in a line and you ran over them, laid down and then the next person went. 
I was pretty proud of my pictures of Ally jumping over her friends. 

 Then was the scuba relay race - my favorite to watch all the kids try and run in scuba gear.

 On your way up to the cone you put on fins, a swim tube and goggles, then on your way back you take off each item.

 Ally was at a huge advantage because her feet actually fit inside the fins!

Boden, Clemens, Olive & Melyna

 Volleybal was next:

And finally gymnastics - Ally was so excited. But then she realized it wasn't really gymnastics, but a gymnastics themed obstacle course. 

Ally said her favorite part of the day was after field day - they ate lunch at the park and got to play on the play ground there. The was a bar and she spent so much time doing gymnastics on the bar she got a rip on her palm and 2 blisters on her fingers. That is gymnastics love for you!

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