Saturday, September 30, 2023

Grandpa Frank

My dad, Ally’s Grandpa Frank passed away August 25, 2023. He went quickly, with a call from the nursing home at 530pm telling me he was not well. My brothers went to see him and Ally’s cousins were able to say goodbye. But he was not aware of them or of what was happening and he left the earth around 11pm.

We watched ER our summer show while waiting for news, and I worked on a photo tribute for his memorial service. It was a hard time and it’s still hard. Ally feels his loss strongly. It’s hard for her to feel less love and she knew he loved her and he’s gone. 

We had a memorial in Burnt Hills and spoke with lots of lovely people who knew and respected and loved my dad. We received lovely cards and gifts and lots of support. We still miss him. We will honor him again when we set up our Day of the Dead Altar in a few weeks.

Here are some photos to remember him.

He was not really himself the last few years but he always asked about Ally when I spoke to him on the phone and somehow he always remembered what she was doing, volleyball or basketball or trips. 

We will all miss his love and treasure his spirit.

Here are a couple photos from the memorial:

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