Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter Sing

Friday 12/18/09 was the Winter Sing at Ally's preschool. They don't celebrate Holidays at her school so it was not holiday related or themed at all. Ally's class sang "One finger in front of me" The words are:
1 finger in front of me...what do you think of that
1 finger behind me...what do you think of that
1 finger above me..circling round and round
1 finger above me...that I put down
Then you sing as many verses as you want with the 2 fingers, 3 finger etc. It was pretty cute and I have a video - but they are so hard to upload.
Ally was pretty cute in her dress my mom bought from England and wearing a Rudolph & Clarice Christmas bow in her hair.

Singing along to the all school sing-a-long song Peace like a River, one of my favorites. (One of Ally's friends was on my lap - but I don't like to post pics of other kids on this blog)

I wish the program has been a little more organized, but it was pretty cute and I was glad I went. Ally and her classmates seemed to really enjoy it and that is what really matters.

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

That sounds like so much fun. What a cutie pie Ally is in her pretty dress and bow. Cute song.