Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Open House at the new school building

Friday night Ally and I attended an Open House party at her new school building. Becky was a retirement party for one of her co-teachers.

 When we got there a Mariachi Band started playing - that is Ally's head in the middle at the bottom right.

Can you spot Ally in the crowd hanging out with  her friends? Alice is there too in a black sparkly t-shirt - bonus points for spotting her too.

Each grade level performed a song. This is the gym / auditorium for the new school. The JK/K sand Los Pollitos which is a huge favorite song in our house. (It's our pio pio song we have been singing with Ally for years.)
After the concert Ally and I took a tour of the building.
Its a very old building that has not been used as a school for many years. It reminds me of my elementary school - old brick, 3 stories, 4 including the basement. Most recently the school has housed administrative offices and a pre-school. We are very excited as a school community to finally get our own building. We've been sharing spaces since the school was formed about 20 years ago.
The playground is not as neat as what Ally has now, but it will be fine and there are plans for lots of improvements in the coming years.
It was fun to walk thru the building and see where everything was, and we know where the classrooms are for next year - we don't know who Ally will have as a teacher but we identified the possible classrooms and we've talked about it.
It was a great event and Ally and I had a fun time.

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