Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Monopoly with Mama


Ally and Becky play monopoly all the time. Becky is amazing. I don’t like monopoly so I have been refusing to play, but Becky is so good and will basically play anytime. They have devised a system of multi-day games, where they take a picture of the board and put all their money and properties in Ziploc bags so they can play for 20 minutes at a time over a week.

Listening to them is so much fun for me. I just had to document one Sunday morning.

Above – is Ally with her money on the left and Becky with her money on the right. It looks like Ally is winning.


Mama ran out of money – and that is Ally’s victory face!


Yes the final score Ally $5870.00 Mama $0.00

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