Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yummy Fruit Bouquet

The day after my ear procedure (trust me you don't want to know more than that) my parents sent us an edible arrangement. It was so much fun to get, eat and share with friends. Thanks mom and dad.

Yes I actually ate some - the delicious chocolate covered pineapple. Ally's favorite was the melon balls - you can see she has one in her cheek.

Even Ally's Special Kitty wanted to taste some of the fruit.


Anonymous said...

my mouth is just watering looking at all that yjmmy fruit!!! from that last pic of ally's hand, that little girl has piano fingers!! she'd be GREAT on the piano - nice long fingers to play. :)

Love, Aunt Pam

Anonymous said...

oops- guess I should have previewed... let me correct myself by saying YUMMY fruit, not yjmmy fruit. lol