Monday, October 28, 2013

Rosa turns 7!

Guat Girls October get together was to celebrate Rosa’s 7th birthday. We missed Roxie but the rest of us had a blast at the Zebra themed party.



After crafts, lunch, cupcakes and opening presents we headed outside of the piñata and leaf jumping! Rosa’s mom Julie created a giant pile of leaves and set up a mini trampoline for the girls to jump in to it from.



Ally took a picture of the 4 moms! And Alice was soon airborne jumping into leaves.


Ally and Gabi ran and jumped for so long – Ally was in her glory.


A group shot in the leaf pile – Gabi, Rosa, Alice and Ally.


Ally and I stayed for a bit longer and Ally and Rosa played “pin the cookie on the donkey’s mouth”


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