Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week 2 Complete

Week two was very hard. Ally was exhausted and so were we. One night Ally texted me to tell she couldn't sleep:

That one was at 10:15pm but another night it was at 2:30am.

Becky was so worn out she fell asleep on the couch right after Ally went to bed most nights. I took this picture because Cloey's ear is actually inside Becky's glasses. 

But despite the exhaustion we were all feeling there was fun.

A friend and co worker of Becky's asked what Ally's favorite cookies were and then baked us a whole batch. Ally was thrilled to have Snickerdoodles every night.

During TR (therapeutic recreation) at the PPRC Ally and her friend Isobel partnered in the egg drop contest. Ally was so proud of their contraption she brought it home to show us. Their egg did not break!

Every night before bed for months now Becky has been reading the Little House on the Praire books to Ally. Ally loves them. When Grandma Debbie was visiting she would listen too, and even though she somehow has a memory of Star Wars and The Long Winter mixed up Ally enjoyed having a buddy to listen to mama read with. They are now on my favorite book, and so I have started lying on Ally's bed with Cloey listening too. It is a really nice time together as a family.

Week 2 graduation. 

Week 2 Goals and Accomplishments. We continue to be so very proud of Ally.

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