Monday, August 4, 2008

Misc Cuteness

Here are some random cute pictures of Ally over the past few weeks. Just looking at them makes me smile. I hope you enjoy them too!

Becky brought Ally to the doctor today and it turns out Ally has Roseola! She started getting a rash yesterday so we called the doctor and booked an appt for this morning. Ally never had a fever, but the doctor said it was definitely Roseola, Ally just didn't get the fever. But that explains her clingliness and exhaustion over the past few days. Poor thing was sick and we didn't even know it! Not that we could have done anything - its a virus, no medication or anything just wait it out like a cold. Now that she has the rash she is not longer contagious and should be all over it in a few more days.

1 comment:

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

Poor Ally, it is so hard when they are sick. I can't tell you how many times I have been at my wits end with Mia only to find out she is sick - makes me feel horrible. Mia also had roseola, not fun.

Ally is so stinkn' cute in the chair on the phone! That face is ADORABLE!!!