Monday, April 30, 2012

A light and serious post

It was bedtime the other night but Becky had to show us this HUGE strawberry.

 Its the size of an actual human heart!

 Ally has a strawberry beard.

Seriously it was so big!

It is fun to have light moments like silly pictures with Aunt Beth, marveling at a gigantic strawberry or just being goofy. Lately we've been doing Gruncle's bumble bee buzzy and finger poke. Ally erupts into such a fit of giggles its hilarious.
There are some heavy moments too.
Like the other night when Ally cried in my arms because she had felt left out at school her "favorite friends" had buddied up in gym class and it made her sad. She cried and wailed "what can we do about it?" My final words of advice were that she have fun - that she be as happy and as playful as she could be. That everyone likes to play with the fun happy friend. And that if she was having fun with other friends I was sure her "favorite friends" would want to come play with her.
It seemed to help.
Of course I was upset for her and feeling pretty awful for a long time after our conversation.
Things seem better the past few days, and she had gym class today and had a good time.

Tonight she got her haircut and is anxious about it. It is very short compared to how long it had gotten. When it was done she was so happy - all smiles and that prancy walk when you know you look good. But at bedtime in the dark the anxiety set in. We talked about it but finally being silly and goofy and laughing distracted her, and an extra book and it seems she is finally asleeep.

I am reminded that growing up is hard.
It is fun and exciting and thrilling but it can be challenging.
Parenting is the same way.

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