Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Field Trip

Becky was a chaperone for Ally’s class field trip recently. The class just started a unit on living things so they went to a nearby state park and hiked.


Ally sat next to her friend Daniela on the bus. Most of the class posed for a picture.



Hiking over the rocks to get to the panther’s cave.


Ally posing from the view atop the tower, and Ally and Daniela almost asleep on the bus on the way back to school.

Then after school Ally playing on the playgroup Ally got a bump on her head. Becky carried Ally and her scooter all the way home!

Ally laid on the couch while I iced down the big bump on her head. We used an ice pack for a while, and then switched to peas. And yes Ally proceeded to eat the frozen peas.


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