Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hand of it

For those of you who don't know Becky can juggle. This weekend Ally proclaimed "mama, mommy, come see, I got the hand of it" Hang of what Ally? "Hand of it - see I can juggle"
It was so adorable and she was so proud of her ability to juggle and a balloon and that she used the phrase "hand of it" which makes super clear sense in relation to hitting something with one's hand. We just did not have the heart to correct her or try and explain why the saying was actually "hang of it".
waiting the out stretched hands
hand on it - look I've got the hand of it!
Its so cool to see her tackle new things.
And for those who want to know - that is Ally's dress and sweater hanging in the background for a special celebration on December 26!

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