Monday, July 22, 2013

Quick Visit


Aunt Beth came for a quick visit last month. But as usual we packed a lot into a short time! Ally had swimming lessons, and always a good sport, Beth went swimming with Ally before class started. I just love how long Ally’s hair looks. And they did hand stands in the water.


Later in the day Becky and I went out for a while and the picture above is the exact scene of what we saw when we got home! It was salon time. And they were not finished, so Becky and I were told to stay away for a while longer. Another Aunt of the year moment if you ask me. Aunt Beth let Ally spray her hair with water and de-tangler and comb her hair until it was drenched! Beth painted Ally’s toes and then braided Ally’s hair.


Fun was had!

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