Monday, May 21, 2012

Pink Eye Bribe

Ally recently contracted pink eye (aka conjunctivitis). Not very bad - just a mild case. It was bound to happen, but it was the first time she's had it and we brought her to the doctor who confirmed the diagnosis and prescribed eye drops 3-4 times a day for 5 days in the infected eye.

Ally was apprehensive the first dose, she cried a little but it was OK.
Keep in mind that Becky has an eye phobia - can't look at eye balls or eye things she freaks out. So I did the 1st dose solo.
Ally was belligerent and hysterical the 2nd dose. We tried to hold her down - that failed.
I rocked her and talked with her and reasoned with her.
We offered a series of bribes.
We started with money - I offered $1.00 for every time she got drops, so she could go to the store and buy something herself. She wailed "No, I have too many toys" that is not a joke she actually said that.
We offered to do a special activity together - but when she asked us for details we drew blanks and asked her what she wanted.
It was awful. Nothing worked.
45 minutes later we resorted to holding her down again and managed to get some in.

I called my mom and vented later that night.
I made a plan that in the morning I would tell her no TV (and no chocolate milk and cheerios, her standard and favorite breakfast) until she let me put in drops.
She was not happy with me. She pouted for a bit but and decided not to get out of bed. But I held firm. After 20 minutes she agreed to  have eye drops. She wanted mama to come hold her hands. It was a bit of a struggle but not bad and it was over very quickly once we started.

A few hours later when it was time for the next dose she walked over to me with her wallet and mentioned how she did not have enough money to but anything.
I reminded her that my offer of $1.00 for each eye drop dose (not per drop) was still open. If she would let me put in the drops without a fight I would pay her a dollar. I explained that she could cry if she needed to, but she had to let me do it.
She said OK
I got her a dollar and it was over very quickly with giggles this time.
Well we've now made it thru 2 full days (or $6.00) worth of medicine and 2 more days ($6.00 more) to go.

Ally likes to count her money after each dose. I had to find her a bigger wallet today, since she had so much money it would not fit in her little wallet.

Showing off the spoils of her medicine.

Ally started with a few dollars to begin with. She tends to save her money - in the picture above she is holding the $2.00 bill Gruncle and Suzie gave her when she turned 2. She understands that the $2.00 bill is rare and she feels pretty lucky to have it.  She asked today how come she can't get a$6.00 bill for each eye drops! I explained the deal was for $1.00 and besides there was no $6.00 bill.
We talked about what she might do with her money. She thought maybe save it.
I suggested donating some, or buying a toy for a child who did not have any. We'll see.

It has been such a struggle I asked Becky what we would do if we have to do drops in Ally's other eye and she replied "take out a loan" this medicine bribe is expensive!
But she agreed $1.00 is a very small price to pay to not repeat the first night's fiasco.

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