Sunday, July 14, 2024

First half of July 2024

It’s been a very hot July. We’re are so glad we have AC in our house.  We’ve been busy with college visits, medical appointments, work for July & Ally and volunteering. 

UConn College Tour 90+ degrees. 

Cloey is not a fan of the 4th of July. But she was very happy to sit on Beth’s lap while Becky grilled a feast for dinner.

Family selfie on the 4th.

Mornings are the best time on our little deck.

Ally couldn’t take the basement clutter anymore and spent several hours organizing Becky’s sewing supplies. Cloey was not a very big help.

We met up with Guat Girls at Rosa’s community pool.

Ally worked at her gym job last week.

And we finally got a foster kitten. This sweet dark brown kitten needs to learn to like people. The shelter separated her from her sisters and mom because as a group they were hissing and biting humans. Solo she is still pretty fearful but lets us hold her and pet her. 

We named her Teddy because she looks like a bear.

Teddy will probably stay with us for 2 weeks.

Daisy is still Daisy. She’s who gave us so much experience in how to socialize a kitten. 

Then Friday the shelter put out a request for someone to come pick up 2 tiny two week old kittens. I figure we could manage them in addition to Teddy.

They are so tiny. And just learning how to eat solid food.

Ally and I went to Marist college for a tour on another 90 degree day. Long drive over 8 hours round trip. Becky stayed home to care for all the kittens.

They are not very good at eating.

But they are really good at looking adorable.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 2024

The end of school. Lots of therapy and other appointments. Trips to Rhode Island and San Diego, Becky’s birthday and the start of volunteer programs it’s been a big month.

We met up with cousin Kimn at some botanical gardens in Rhode Island after looking a Roger Williams college.

We saw a sequoia tree here in New England!

Then it was back to school work on Monday. 

Cats are always cute

Becky and Ally working on the Algebra 2 final. 

So relieved to be finished with online school.

With school over we flew to San Diego to spend a few days on Coronado Island visiting Gruncle Phil and Aunt Suzie.

We stayed in a lovely hotel this year. Becky had a friend “seagull Joe” while she sat out on our balcony.

The annual backseat photo.

These these three people!

Becky and Aunt Suzie played some ping pong and 15 games of Spite & Malice. Becky won 8-7.

Out hotel had view of the birds. Ducks and their babies and some flamingos!

One afternoon we walked around Coronado village. Such beautiful weather. Ally bought a book at a bookstore and Becky and I split lunch while she shopped.

Aunt Suzie asked Ally to show her how to “make her eyes pop” like Ally’s do with makeup. So Ally and I shopped for some new makeup and Ally showed Suzie how to apply it.

So fun.

We took pictures on the amazing balcony overlooking the Pacific.

Back at our hotel Ally loved the birds. 

And baby ducks 

Our last day we went to the USS Midway Museum.

This helicopter was used to pick up 5 Apollo capsules! 

A quick selfie before heading to the airport.

Ally was so happy to be home and reunited with her beloved cat Daisy.

A few days after our trip it was time to celebrate Becky’s. Birthday

Ally started her volunteer position at a local hospital.

Cloey was “dog of the month” at our corner market for June. 

And one last cat and Ally photo for the month.