Thursday, September 5, 2024

Senior Year.

And so it starts. The beginning of the end. The start of the lasts. It’s crazy. But this week was the start of Ally’s senior year of high school. 14 first days of school (not counting preschool).

A flashback first:

Her first day of Junior Kindergarten. It was pouring rain that day…so she’s all dressed up to stay warm and dry. 

But today was sunny and perfect early September for the first day of classes.

Earlier this week she had school Registration Day and she came out in shorts but then realized it was chilly and went inside

To change into this.

It’s been an emotional week. We said goodbye to our kittens. They brought so much joy and lightness and purpose to our summer. 

Becky’s first day was yesterday. Can you see Cloey in the window?

Yesterday there was a senior class trip white water rafting. It’s an annual school tradition. Unfortunately Ally was not able to go rafting due to her concussion but she went with the class anyway and sat out the actual rafting. I asked for a proof of life photo. She posted this to Instagram.

She was also featured on the school’s social media with some classmates.

I’ll end this post with my only photo editing trick:

Monday, September 2, 2024

August 2024

It was a rough month. 

Ally started the month with volleyball camp. But on the morning of the first day she got hit in the head with a ball. Concussion. Her 3rd in 16 months. She was in rough shape for the first week post concussion. The second week she was a little better and attended a college application workshop at her high school. She saw a specialist who is following Ally closely to monitor how her brain heals.

The kitten brothers were still with us. And they provided lots of joy. 

Ally got a lash lift. It’s like a perm for eyelashes so they stay curled. 


Becky made eclairs. 

But Becky’s knee continued to bother her. She had an MRI and her meniscus is torn, she has also a Baker’s cyst and osteoarthritis which is likely cause of it all. So Beth and I decided we should get Becky a recliner. 

We had a store credit in Becky’s name, so Beth became Becky so we could use the credit. It is spooky how much alike they can look. 

In searching for a recliner, we actually bought a new sectional!

Came home with this recliner. But we returned it. We decided it did not work in our space. 

It was a fun day shopping and adventuring with Beth and Ally.

The kittens are getting big.

The new sectional was delivered. We consigned our 2 couches and chair. So we are still looking for a chair/recliner and the right coffee table/ottoman situation. 

This is the before of the living room.

Cloey likes the new sectional

Ally got her nails done. And her hands were featured on the salon’s Instagram page. Forget to get an after. This is before.

Mommy and Ally selfie to round out the month.