Sometimes I can't believe how grown up Ally is getting. She is more of a "big girl" every day. It just makes my heart melt. Here is an example of a typical Ally play time. Its narrated in her voice.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lately Ally has enjoyed cooking. She says "Ally cooking" and then tells one of us to go into our kitchen and cook.
Yes she is wearing her snow boots in the house. Yes she actually wears them now. As long as they are dry I don't mind, I'm just happy that with this super cold spell we're having she will actually wear boots, and these are insulated to keep her tiny feet warm.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Silly Ally
As you know I am a bit obsessed with cute clothes. There was a HUGE sale at my favorite children's clothing store and so we bought Ally some new things, since she has outgrown (length-wise) all of her 12-18 pants, I felt justified. And don't we all have to do our part to keep the economy going by continuing our spending habits? When we got home she tried on this new outfit. Her expressions just crack me up.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Playing doctor and eating chicken nuggets
We got Ally a S.esame Street doctor kit for Christmas. It is pretty funny - the stethoscope is Cookie Monster, the blood pressure cuff is Ernie's rubber duck, and the thermometer is Bert. Thanks to Michelle G., Ally now does not mind getting her temperature taken, in fact she LOVES the ear method - she calls it "check ears" and insists we do both ears, not just one. One day I caught her doing this:
Ally went to the doctor again yesterday, she was running a fever and had a runny nose, it was just as we suspected - another ear infection, this time in both ears. This is her third in 2 months. She is on a more powerful antibiotic this time and we hope it works. The medicine tastes pretty awful so Becky is bribing Ally with chocolate chips to get her to take each dose. The doctor suggested bribing with m-n-ms but all we had is chocolate chips! We'll go back to the doctor in about 10 days to make sure Ally's ears are all cleared up and discuss whether or not Ally needs to see a specialist and have her hearing checked out.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The 44th President is Barack Obama. We are so thrilled to have entered a new era with new leadership guiding our country. My boss had everyone in his office over to his house yesterday to watch the inauguration ceremony. This blog is about Ally's life, and I wanted to document the event. Ally was as usual very well behaved, so that meant we could really pay attention and listen. I think the sheer quantity of people in DC was one thing that really got to me. I thought the speech was ok, but to see that many people, and know how many people in our town and around the country were celebrating was and still is an amazing thing.
Yes I know this might seem strange to you, but this is also the very first picture Ally took on the camera all by herself. I have the same camera for work that we do at home. I always have my work camera with me in my work bag, and Ally of course found it. Playing with the camera kept her occupied for about 20 minutes. She was so cute moving around the camera to see what was displayed on the camera screen.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
More fun in the snow
More fun in the snow! We were the lucky recipients of 12-14" of snow over the weekend. After shoveling the sidewalks and such, Becky took Ally on a walk to the park (Dana). On the way there they scooped snow from every house into the sand/snow bucket. Becky said it was a riot! I got home after the walk and Ally was excited to see me, but not so happy about going inside. Becky was laughing, because apparently she had to drag Ally outside in the first place, but then once she got out she did not want to come in. So Ally and I went on a walk to the other (smaller) park near our house. I coaxed Ally in to walking to the park, by telling her would we stop at her friend Thora's house on the way to the park. Thora lives across the street from the park. We did stop there, but she was not home. So we went on to the park.
One of Ally's favorite books right now is A Snowy Day. She calls it Crunch Crunch, because there is a page in the book that describes the boy walking in the snow as making the sound crunch crunch crunch. It was pretty neat to recreate some of the book with her.
I did too.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Light Switch
For quite some time now Ally has enjoyed turning the light switch off and on from her changing table. The light in her room has a switch at each door, and her room has 2 doors into it. Recently she wanted to use the other switch.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ally loves "Ruu-off"
Would some one please tell Ally that Christmas is over. Its January and she is absolutely obsessed with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The old one with Burl Ives, the snowman as the narrator. Now, this is my absolute favorite Christmas special. But even I am starting to get tired of it.
We have a CD with all of the songs from the show, and she begs to hear Holly Jolly and Jingle Jingle Jingle, she now knows the words to those and Rudolph (she calls him Ruu-off). She knows about Bumble (The Abominable Snowman), Clarice, Rudolph's girlfriend, Hermy the elf who wants to be a dentist and Yukon. Oh, and did you know that Santa is flying at the end? Rudolph flies too? She is so cute about it and she gets so excited and I know that soon she'll move on to some other fascination.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Peeling an Orange
These pictures are actually from December 18, 2008. I took them and planned on blogging about this, but then one of our cats got really sick before Christmas (Carl - the orange one that is super good with Ally, but he is better now) and then we went away and well I never got it posted. But in my opinion its still blog worthy.
I came home from work one day and Becky told me Ally peeled an orange, its a clementine actually, but all by herself. She just sat and did it during her co-op. (For those of you who don't know, Becky and Ally are part of a neighborhood babysitting co-op with 6 other families, so Ally has co-op three days a week, Becky works 1 or 2 of the days and has the other time(s) off. )
I was, as usual, bummed I missed something so cool as that, so I gave her another clementine and she proceeded to peel it and of course I grabbed the camera and started taking pictures!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
During the last snow storm that hit Boston, Ally had lots of fun watching mama (Becky) outside shoveling off the sidewalk.
Monday, January 12, 2009
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