Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Making strawberry shortcake

Ally likes to "make things" with us. Sometimes she'll say "mama, I was thinking we could do something" and mama will ask "what were thinking we could do" and Ally says "we could make something". Usually we agree and then set about deciding what to bake. This day it was strawberry shortcake. Yummy
Mixing the shortcake batter.

cutting the strawberries

Up close - Ally did great with the cutting. I had to walk away - the whole cutting with a dull knife thing made me scared she'd cut herself. But the idea of letting her use a sharp knife was terrifying.

So proud she cut one and put it in the bowl.

Ally was demonstrating that her knife was not sharp by running her finger over the blade.


Pam said...

YUMMY!!! Strawberry shortcake is my favorite summertime treat!!! Loved the "pink" knife too... :o)

Popi said...

Those of us in food service profession have a saying - "A sharp knife is a safe knife"