Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sick on a Saturday

Saturday morning Ally woke up with a fever. She had the sniffles too. But she got to watch a lot of TV.

Her current favorite show is Dinosaur Train. Its on PBS, but we have now purchased all the DVDs available of old episodes.

The show is about a family of Pteranodons - Shiny, Tiny & Don and their adoptive brother Buddy who is a T-Rex. Above is a shot of Shiny & Don with Buddy and the Conductor (one with the hat on). The Conductor conducts the Dinosaur Train that the 4 children/dinosaurs ride with their parents to explore other time periods and meet and learn about other dinosaurs. Buddy always has a hypothesis and now Ally likes to say she has a "hypopothis" and she can define the word as well - its "an idea you can test".

After a long period of TV we made a short trip to Target, where we bought baby Lucy a tent and a sleeping bag. Let me say that putting together the doll tent was almost as tricky as putting together our actual full size tent, and it did in fact take two of us.

But Ally was very happy with the finished product. She put baby to sleep in the tent and then took her own nap - 2 1/2 hours of sleep in the middle of the day. She was pretty tired and sicky feeling.

When she woke up she cuddled on the couch with me, baby and Nali. Then we watched a movie.

Because as we kept telling Ally, the only good thing about being sick is that you can watch a lot of TV. After the movie, and some more dinosaur train Ally was actually bouncing off the furniture. Literally she was jumping and doing somersaults on the couch. She still had a fever, but I took her to the park anyway to burn off some more energy. She took it easy and played in the fountain a little, and ate dinner there. Then came home, took a bath, showered, watched gymnastics with mama on TV and then went right to bed. No complaints or anything.

She slept all night, and woke up better on Sunday.

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