Holidays are a pretty big thing for us. I like any excuse to get crafty, surprisingly Becky is not such a fan of my Holiday-crafting. I think she prefers long lasting projects, but I prefer the short-termness of the holidays.
A bit of internet time on Pinterest showed me how to make your own plastic egg garland:

So I made the ones above to hang in our living room.

Then it was time to trade out the Valentine theme on Ally’s tree to one for Easter. It has glitter egg ornaments, carrots, butterflies and the tree topper is a large Styrofoam glitter egg, that Becky drilled a hole into so it would work as a topper!
We’re hosting 4 other families from our neighborhood group for an Easter / Spring Potluck dinner and egg hunt. So of course we are working on more decorations:

This is a sample of eggs Ally has colored (decorated with crayon) I love the top left – it’s a camping theme – tent, fire, stars and Ally. She’s still working on her spelling of Happy Ester!
As if you needed more proof of how much Ally loves peeps:

Then this afternoon we made edible bird nests:

I melted butterscotch chips and Ally broke pretzel sticks into small pieces. Then we mixed them together, to coat the pretzels and shaped the mixture into nests. Once the the nest was made we put eggs on it.

Of course some were topped with Chicky Peeps!

Eating a peep with mama!