Thursday, August 1, 2013

Visit With Grandparents

While Becky was in Nantucket Ally and I drove to Grandma Barbie and Grandpa Frank’s house.


We had a lot of work to do while there – our main task was sorting thru Grandma’s jewelry. We got a whole bunch of finery to bring home!

The hydrangeas in front of their house are HUGE bigger than Ally’s head.


It was a creature filled weekend. We introduced Grandma and Grandpa to a new show Ally likes called “Be a Creature” we learned about manatees and living in Patagonia.


Grandma and Ally and I went to the local science museum which had a display on dinosaurs!


I experienced the hurricane tunnel, and Ally took my picture inside.


This time Ally could read the books to Grandpa – and not just have them read to her. It was pretty neat. Another highlight of the weekend is that Ally brought home most of my Barbie dolls. These were my toys from when I was a girl. Ally particularly likes the old style Malibu Barbie and held it on the 3 hour drive home.


We took some of the hydrangeas home and they look great in our dining room.

Ally had to take her medicine while we were there – 3 times a day. My mom had gone to the ice cream store and bought 3 scoops of pink ice cream. She did this once before for Ally and Ally has asked for it again. There was raspberry sherbet, strawberry ice cream and cotton candy ice cream with rainbow chips! We devised a system, where I would squirt a “teeny tiny bit…not too much” into Ally’s mouth and then she would swallow it, wash it down with water and get a bite of ice cream. This process was repeated about 6 times until the medicine dose was complete. We even brought the cotton candy ice cream home with us so we could repeat the procedure at home. It worked and we did manage to finish out the dose, and Ally’s foot has healed properly.

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