Monday, February 22, 2016


Well it finally happened. I made it 42 years without having to deal with lice. That is pretty good for a 3 time summer camp counselor and parent of a 9 year old.
But the reign is over. While we were in Florida Ally started complaining her head was itchy. ugh

On the drive to the airport I got a text fro another mom back home that her daughter had lice, and she several other kids in 3rd grade had it too. 

Ally managed to nap on the plane

As soon as we got  home I started combing thru Ally's hair. I found a couple lice bugs and some nits. We called a local de-lousing company I know. The owner is a client of mine. They made an appointment for us at 8:00am Saturday morning. 

They play movies for kids and give them ice cream to eat while they comb thru their hair. 

They slather white conditioner in your hair and comb thru it section by section to get out all the bugs and nits. It took about 90 minutes to do Ally's hair. I had it done too, only took about 30 for me. I have no lice!!!

At the end you pay, and you get a schedule of what to do the next two weeks to make sure the lice don't come back and that's it.

They told us to comb thru Becky's hair too.
That was a lot of fun for Ally and me.

Not so much fun for Becky

So you put conditioner in and comb it thru. Then you wipe the conditioner on a paper towel and see if there are any bugs or nits in it. We found what we think are a few nits in Becky's hair. 

Even Nali was interested in what was going on. Cloey was asleep in her crate.

Ally was somewhat delighted to find lice in Becky's hair. That means Becky needs two comb outs a week for two weeks and an olive oil treatment next weekend to be sure all are dead and gone.

Good sport mama!

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