Tuesday, November 20, 2018

School Update

Last night we had Ally's parent teacher conference.  It was the best conference we have ever had.

Finally teachers seem to "get" Ally. We were told that she has fantastic listening skills and that they count listening as part of class participation. Its still true that Ally hardly ever raises her hand or volunteers in class - but she always knows the answer when called upon and she is an active participant in small group activities. One teacher actually said "she is a delight to have in class and so kind to her classmates". The other two teachers we met with agreed. 

Ally is at or above grade level in reading and writing in both Spanish and English. Math has been a bit of a struggle this year but we met with her teacher and the math specialist a few weeks ago and we have a plan for additional support for Ally in Math. Ally's social studies teacher said Ally is very organized and is doing well in his class. 

Engaged, actively listening, paying attention, hard worker, organized, kind, quiet. These are qualities and characteristics that have been a part of Ally for her whole life. It was such a relief to have teachers recognize these as the positive traits they are and not just harp on how Ally needs to improve her class participation. Her English teacher told us one of her goals is to encourage Ally's leadership skills this year (she is also Ally's homeroom teacher and teacher for their group/team building class). It was just amazing to have teachers see Ally and "get her" and not just overlook her as the quiet one who should raise her hand more. 

Our main concern going into the conference was that to us Ally has seemed unorganized and had a lack of focus this year. She has misplaced her assignment book a couple of time and doesn't always seems to know the homework. Seem is key here. Her teachers were floored - to them Ally is organized and on top of things. So our perception at home is not actually the picture of what is happening at school. Becky and I are pretty aware that this is typical tween/adolescent behavior  to appear this way at home and not be that way at school. And its another relief that Ally is organized and is doing well. 

Ally thinks she is doing well - she has told me this year "I'm smart". She works hard during school to complete class work so she doesn't have so much homework - with her gymnastics and dance schedule its hard to do homework - so she is really motivated to get work done at school and not have to take it home. 

In English they wrote and illustrated their own graphic novels this Fall and her teacher told us she was really impressed with Ally - how hard she worked during class and how incredible her illustrations were. She is a gifted artist. 

This post has been a big brag. I'm just so proud of Ally. Middle School is a big deal - even in a K-8 school like she goes to - and I am thrilled she is doing so well and managing things.  I've always felt like one of our main parenting challenges was to not mess up who Ally is. She is inherently kind and I want her to stay that way. The world needs more kind and more thoughtful people. It needs more listeners and less talkers. 

Enough on the serious - check out the pose Ally did the other night on the main stairs in our new house. Yes that is her own leg. 

I guess I should add flexible to the list above of her inherent qualities. 

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