Sunday, January 8, 2023

Christmas Eve 2022

Christmas this year was a little different than we’d anticipated. Poppy Dave came down with COVID and Grandma Debbie had a bad cold, so they stayed home in Pennsylvania. We missed celebrating with them in person but did some video gatherings so we could spend some time together virtually.

Ally opened the last day of her 12 day Advent calendar. With Cloey her trusty elf by her side.

We started a puzzle.

Daisy in her Christmas pajamas

And got ready to decorate gingerbread houses

On camera with Dave and Debbie. We had gingerbread house kits delivered to their house with some extra candy so they could decorate with us.

Julie, Ally, Becky, and Beth’s houses.

Dave and Debbie’s 

We finished our cookie puzzle. 

Attended Christmas Eve candle light service from home.

#1 Aunt and her niece.

Worked on a 2nd puzzle.

We did have tamales our traditional dinner for Christmas Eve but I did not get a picture of that.

Becky made after dinner cocktails for herself and Beth.

That required grating and actual nutmeg.

Ally imbibed of hot cocoa.

Beth enjoyed a candy cane.

While we watched Rudolph! Then it was off to bed to see if Santa would come.

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