We drove to The Bronx for an open house at Fordham. Nothing like a day trip 3+ hours away.
Ally likes Fordham.
Cloey spent the day at her friend Monty’s house
Cats are always happy to see us.
Lots of volleyball
Senior night. Here’s Ally with her friend Delilah
School fit
Saturday afternoon with Aunt Beth
Halloween came and we carved a pumpkin together.
It came out great
Cloey was the only one who dressed up, this year she was a lion.
It was so warm, Ally wore shorts on November 1! That’s our family Offrenda (altar to dead loved ones)
We drew Day of the Dead pumpkins as a family thing together.
Election Day was next. We tried to be optimistic and have a positive attitude.
But unfortunately our candidate lost and we’re dealing with the reality of living in a country where over 75 million people voted for someone who wants to abolish our family and send Ally back to Guatemala. It was heartbreaking to tell Ally the morning after the election. We talked about it and I showed Ally the electoral map and it shows how every place she is considering for college voted blue and her rights will be protected in those states. I told her we need to continue to be the best we can be and we need to work to send light and love out in the world.
I got a hair cut.
Even Cloey was sad
Ally had senior pictures.
We started to foster 3 kittens and their mama.
Only 3 weeks old.
Ally kept her momentum up and worked hard on school work and her college applications. She submitted applications to 8 schools. The waiting game begins.
The mama is Chess and her kittens are Trouble, Clue and Backgammon. So adorable.