Monday, November 18, 2024

18 years old

Ally turned 18 on November 16. It’s just so crazy that she’s a legal adult. 18 years has really gone by so very fast.

We had a simple celebration with Ally, Becky, me and Beth at home. It’s what Ally wanted.

Of course we had to decorate!

I was so happy she agreed to a selfie with me!

18 gifts this year. All were related to things she could do now that she was 18. Becky worked really hard wrapping all the gifts and labeling them by number. We had an envelope for each “adult task” and they were numbered and then she opened that number gift. 
Ally appreciated the aesthetics and the gifts!

Off the shoulder matching pose with Aunt Beth!

Here is the list of things and their gifts. 
  1. Buy fireworks POP ROCKS CANDY
  2. Enlist in military  GREEN ARMY MEN
  3. Serve alcohol BOTTLE OPENER
  4. Watch R Rated movies MOVIE GIFT CARD
  5. Be an organ donor SOCKS
  6. Purchase lottery ticket SCRATCH OFFS
  7. Get a tattoo TEMP TATTOOS 
  8. Vote TSHIRT
  9. Donate blood BAND AIDS
  11. Adopt a pet (PET DNA TEST)
  12. Get a piercing EARRINGS
  13. Get married RING POP
  15. Obtain a 10 year passport RFID PASSPORT HOLDER
  16. Work without restrictions WIRELESS KEYBOARD
  17. Purchase cold medicine ZYRTEC D
  18. Sign Legal documents MONOGRAMMED PEN

She’s been asking for a wireless keyboard and was thrilled.

An adorable hand made card from Grandma Debbie.

Books from Poppy

Her first birthday. 

So smart and strong and beautiful and kind. Loved so very much.

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