Thursday, June 18, 2009

Suprise Park Day!

It was due to rain today - but Ally and I managed a long morning at the park before we had to come home for lunch. When Ally was eating breakfast this morning, I asked her what she wanted to make sure we did today. She said:
  • Color
  • Play Basketball
  • Play

All of which we did today! Also at breakfast, I took photos of Ally in PONYTAILS that MAMA DID for the first time. She didn't want pictures taken, so she tried to hide.

I just put the camera under the table! I love how her ponytails match Abby's! (Abby is the character on her bib).

Anyway, we soon made it to the park - she got there and really wanted to go on the big girl swings.

Which she did - for 45 minutes! She was enamored with the older little girls swinging next to her. They were 4 and 5, and were pumping on their own. A mom can hope that skill develops early...

Anyway, she then got her first ride (ever!) on the see-saw.
We then spent a lot of time practicing swinging like a monkey on various playgroup apparatus...

We did see some friends and did a few other things, then we had to go - and ran ALL the way home together in case it started to rain. And running was good motivation to go home for Ally.
Gee, I wonder why I feel tired!


Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

Can you say jealous of your park?? It looks so awesome! So glad Ally had such a great time playing and I can't believe she was on the swings for 45 minutes! I bet you are tired? I always envisioned myself sitting on a bench reading a book while Mia played at the playground, but it has never happened!

Ally is adorable as always!

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

PS love her pigtails!