Monday, November 23, 2009

3 year old stats

Today Ally had her 3 year old check-up. All is well - Ally is a perfect - but we knew that already! Her doctor told us we are supposed to think our child is perfect and its her job to confirm it for us!
Ally weighed in at 26 pounds 8.5 ounces. Becky and I had a wager about Ally's weight - I thought she would be 26 pounds, Becky thought 27 pounds, leave it to Ally to weigh in smack dab in the middle! Her height is 35 1/2 inches - we think this is a little low - her neck was all scrunched up. Ally continues to grow at her own consistent rate - which is great. She moved up from the 5th to the 9th percentile, so Becky and I are thrilled.
The appointment lasted forever - literally - we were in the exam room for 90 minutes. Can I just say that an hour and half is way too long to have a healthy child at the doctor?
We did not wait long for the doctor - but she ran a strep test to check is Ally's rash was strep - its not - she thinks its just sensitive skin and recommended we keep up with lotion at least twice a day, eliminate fabric softener from our laundry routine, and switch to Cetaphil cleanser - we've been using Johnson's Baby Wash - turns out Cetaphil is even more gentle. Ally got 4 shots - it was supposed to be only 3, but the H1N1 had a malfunction and all the vaccine shot out on the exam table and not into Ally - the shot lady said it was bad needles and had been happening all day. I can't help thinking its a shame to waste such sought after vaccine because of poor quality needles. She also got the boosters she needed, and a finger tip blood test. Her hemoglobin was normal - does anyone know what that means? We'll get the lead results back from the blood test in a about a week.
She was such a trooper and we are so proud of her. We stopped on the way home for some ice cream - chocolate chip, Ally's favorite. I took these pictures of her eating her ice cream and watching Clifford.
In other fabulous news Ally has been wearing panties all day for several days now! We're hoping to be fully potty trained in a few weeks. Preschool is really helping with this.

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

Hgb. (finger stick) was checking to make sure she had enough iron and wasn't anemic. Great stats and what a gorgeous little girl. She definitely deserved that ice cream putting up with all those picks and pokes!