Today is Ally's first day of school for this year. Phew we are so happy for school to start. This year Ally is a Blue Otter. The classroom is upstairs at school and is much larger than her last year in Purple Fish.
Then we walked - well Lauren and I walked, and took turns pushing Ally in her stroller. Ally ate her granola bar, drank orange juice and relaxed on the "commute" to school. She was sporting her sunglasses for the ride, because it is sunny today.
When we got to school Ally was a little bit clingy. But we parked the stroller and showed Lauren around school and then walked up to her classroom. Ally clutched my hand but did not cry at all, we walked around her classroom and she was excited to see her teachers, and that there was a writing center and a table set up with paper and scissors for cutting. After our quick walk around I asked her if she wanted to sit and cut with her teacher Jill and she said yes. So I gave her a big hug, told her I was leaving and would see her in the afternoon, and brought her to the table with Jill. Jill asked her if she wanted to put her family picture in a frame now (we all brought in family photos for the kids to have at school) or use the scissors now, and Ally said she wanted to do cutting now. So I said good bye and Lauren and I left.
Fled is how it felt actually. But I know Ally - transitions are best done quickly and its so much better not to linger or prolong the departure. As I exited the school, so many people were just arriving and I passed some still walking to school as I made my way back to my office. But for us, being on time and one of the first in the class helps Ally to acclimate and and its part of her routine. I had a nice chat with her babysitter on the way to school and a few blocks after dropping Ally off. I really think she is going to work out well this year.
Then I called my mom, but she was unavailable so I called my Aunt Martha and talked with her for a while. Thanks for being there, to listen and take my mind off it. School is really a fabulous place and I know Ally loves it. But another year, it makes me feel a bit melancholy.
Ally is growing up so fast.
oh boy - it's school time again!! can't wait to hear of ally's adventures! hope she is loving it! ps - LOVE the pic of you and ally! :)
I wish I'd had you around to talk to on Tuesday (River's first day). Those few hours were so hard! Ally looks so big and happy!
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