Monday, October 4, 2010

Long Lost Relatives

My cousin Kimn and her family came to dinner recently. They are the "long lost relatives" since they moved to Hawaii a few years ago and now we only see them once a year.

Here is Ally and Jesse - he will be 7 next month. Looking at this picture just illustrates one of the many wonders of adoption. Jesse and Ally are both adopted, and yet they look like they could be brother and sister, instead of second cousins.

Becky, Justin, Kimn, Ally, Eric and Jesse.


Unknown said...

How come I had to get a link from my sister and not my cousin Julie who posted this?

Love it Julie...some day we will get back East. We just bought a 3/2 house so now we have room for guests...when you & Becky bringing little Ally to Disneyland?
It's right down the street from us!!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures as usual from the great mom photographers.

As one of the "adopted" grandmas involved, I endorse the great benefits of adoption...

Grandma and Great Aunt Linda