Sunday, February 3, 2013

Communion Bread

Last Sunday in Sunday School class Ally made Communion bread. I volunteered to help out and it was lots of fun.




Today at church we’ll eat the bread as we take Communion.

This has sparked some religious conversations between Ally and I. We’ve talked about praying and what it means to pray.

I heard her and her friend Willow talking about Easter recently. Last year they got their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny together, and Willow asked to do that again this year. I said yes we could probably do that. Ally piped up and told Willow “Easter is not just about the Bunny” … Willow said something like “yeah, huh?” and then Ally went on to tell her it was really about how God, I mean Jesus, died on the cross. I was pretty proud of her.

As we’ve talked about communion this past week, Ally wanted to know why it isn’t a big glass of juice since it tastes so yummy.  I told Ally how the bread represents Jesus body and the juice his blood. We eat and drink to remember Jesus and how he died on the cross for us. She asked how he died, and I explained that some people thought he was bad and they were afraid of him, so they put nails in his hands and feet to nail him to the cross. We talked about how the cross in Church is a T shape not an X shape. She commented on how that must of hurt, but then asked how he came back to life. I explained that it was a special kind of magic. The kind of magic that I believe in, and I hope she believes in too. That this is what going to Church is about,  learning about and how to believe in this, and this special kind of magic, its Faith.

Ally then asked if God was more important than Jesus. I thought about it and then asked her if she thought I was more important than she was. She said Yes, then giggled a bit, as if to say not really, she’s not sure. So then I told her I don’t think I am more important than her. I am her mom and she is my daughter. God is Jesus’ father, and so I think they are both important. She seemed to get it. But it’s a big concept, even for adults.

The subject naturally changed then and we moved on. But this conversation has stayed with me for several days now.

In light of my previous post about change, I find that my Faith is helping me, is giving me some comfort during this challenging time in our lives.

Thank you to all of you who encouraged us to take Ally to Church. Not only is it good for Ally, but its good for me as well.

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