Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Becky turns 37

Becky’s last day of school was actually her birthday. She went out with teacher friends after work and didn’t come home until late, after Ally was in bed late.


This is what she looked like the morning after her birthday. We agreed she is getting old.

So Ally and I celebrated with Becky on the 24th, the day after her birthday.


Ally picked out a fantastic card. It said “Happy Birthday! In dog years do you know how old you’d be?” Then inside Ally wrote out the math problem. Turns out Becky would be 259 years old if she was a dog.



Becky was hilariously thrilled to get sewing organizer from her parents for her birthday. Ally and I were laughing at how thrilled Becky was. It was not a gift either of us would appreciate – but it was for Becky and it was perfect. After cards and gifts it was time for cake. Ally and I bought a small cake at the store this year. Ally decided to put all 14 candles on the 8” cake.


It was the brightest cake I’d ever seen.


Mama and Ally.

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