Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summer Lovin’ with Pets

Ally’s kitten Daisy is growing up. She is very quickly getting big. But she LOVES Ally. Sleeps with her, let’s her hold and cuddle her and of course she still cries for Ally when Ally is home and not with her. 

Daisy is still a little scared of Becky.

If you look closely you can see Diasy is on the other side of the curtain in front of Cloey.

A girl with her cat and her dog.

We’ve learned Daisy is like our old cat Bryce in that she likes water. She hangs out in the tub after we shower.

Not much cuter than a pug in a snow leopard fur bean bag!

But the cat who guards your daughter while she sleeps is pretty close. Ally came home from camp so tired she laid down and fell asleep for 4 hours. Daisy stayed with her the whole time just close to her. 

Cloey with Ally at breakfast.

And see, proof that Daisy sleeps with Ally. This is what we see in the morning when we go to wake up Ally. 

And Ally loves it. 

She can usually get a little cat snuggle in before camp in the morning.  

And sometimes she makes Daisy “catch the woah”.

It can be crazy with a cat and a dog. But so very worth it for the extra joy and love.

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