Monday, April 5, 2021

March 28 - April 2, 2021

The end of March!!! 

Sunday Ally met up with her teammates for a picnic lunch and then they went to the movies! One of the families rented a theater and invited all the girls.

I took a break relaxing on Ally's bed. 

Monday Ally and I started a puzzle.

We did a lot before we needed a break.

On Wednesday we watched Kong vs Godzilla! Ally has been waiting for this release for a long time. And we just happened to both be wearing matching gray camouflage sweatshirts. 

Such a good movie.

Thursday Ally had a rough day but she drew this really lovely picture. Art is a wonderful coping mechanism.

We finished our puzzle.

And it was the very last day of remote learning!!!! 

Cloey tried on her new bunny ears snood.

Friday Ally did not have school.

Cute Cloey picture.

After practice Friday and Saturday we watched UCLA in their regional championship meets.

All in all not a bad week.

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