Friday, March 21, 2008

Another Quiet Bedtime

The other night, we gave Ally her bath, did the normal wind-down stuff, put her in her pajamas, and then set her on the floor for some reason. I think the photo above indicates how sleepy she was. She discovered how hilarious it is to look at me upside down through her legs.

In other news, her list of words grows every day. She can say cat, dog, duck, more, sock, ball, yes and no. Guess what the word of the week is! That's right, NO. She says either NO or NO NO. Anything that you say that sounds like a question seems to get the answer NO. It's amusing to us (so far!) and she is obviously saying no even when the answer is yes. Hopefully the word "yes" becomes more interesting to her soon!

Right now she is tormenting playing with Carl, giving him Ally hugs, and giggling. Remind me to get him some cat treats!

1 comment:

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

I love the new view Ally has! How cute!