Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronacation Week 3 March 29 - April 4

Week 2 of my company shut down. But this was week 3 of the over all Coronocation. This week Becky had to start "remote instruction" and she worked hard on lesson plans and video conferences with her co-workers to get things up and running for her students.

We also started mask making this week. It was becoming more and more clear that this virus was going to go on for an extended period and the shut down was extended thru May 4. Becky is so crafty she began making masks, and after her first round of them I started helping her.

I think every post might start and end with Ally and our pets.
She was so happy they were getting along and snuggling in bed with her.

I can't believe that Daisy's markings make a heart on her legs!

This would be the tween death stare

Another puzzle - this one we all started together but then Ally and I finished it all but 2 pieces we left for Becky.
Becky used to do this all the time to Ally, so we had fun doing that to her.

Becky's first mask!

Ally's teeth - I took some pictures and had a phone consult with her orthodontist. I'm worried about that one bottom tooth getting squished out. She has missed 2 appointments with the shutdown. By the time she gets back it will have been 3 months. UGH. The orthodontist said not to worry, it wasn't bad enough to be man emergency. They would deal with it when they open up.

Ally and her team had a Zoom video call with their coaches in Columbia!

our monthly Ipsy came - it is a monthly subscription of make-up and beauty products. Ally loves it!

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