Friday, April 24, 2020

Coronacation Week 4 April 5 - 11

Holy Week. It was a strange week to still be living without seeing others and no work and no school and no gymnastics. The governor of Massachusetts opened up the economy for construction, so my company started working again. The field guys with a lot of additional policies to keep everyone safe. But I was still not working much, without being able to go into peoples homes and visit and meet there is very little for me to do. I check in on my sites every day via phone or video and of course there are emails and texts throughout the day.

Church asked that you have some props set up for Palm Sunday.

Later on Sunday Ally and I went out to visit friends. We delivered masks to 2 families and stopped at 3 other friends' houses to chat for a bit and see people.
We stayed in our car while friends came out to see us.
It was lovely.

Clemens and his family

Willow and her mom

Ally with Xela and her dog in the background - its a buddy "social distance selfie"

Becky has been drinking Kombucha to help her digestive system and I found a HUGE bottle for her at Whole Foods. She was thrilled.  She has an egg sandwich on a homemade pretzel roll!

Ally meanwhile with her breakfast in bed.

And sometimes cereal for dinner in her room too.

This was the week of a medical emergency. What do you do when you have a medical emergency and cannot go to the hospital because there is a pandemic underway?
Old School. You call the doctor's office. Explain that your partner is having severe chest pains and is screaming in pain.

yes - Becky had sudden onset chest pains, that quickly became pain in her back - so bad all she could do was lie down on the ground and writhe in pain. Cloey took this opportunity to hump Becky. She does this to Becky (and to Beth) pretty frequently - but never to me or to Ally.

So I called the doctor's office and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions said she agreed this did not seem like it was a Covid symptom or a heart attack but that I should massage the area, which made becky scream more. And then have the doctor call me.

The doctor called back, and Becky was doing better then. Still in lots of pain and unable to do anything but lie there. We had just ordered a blood pressure cuff to be able to monitor Ally's while she has a medication change, and so I took Becky's vitals for the doctor and she said she thought it was a gas bubble lodged in Becky's intestine that was causing the pain.

Yes - gas. It has been a great story to tell.

Later that night Ally and Becky played Minecraft in our living room - well actually its now a gym/workout room.
Ally confessed that she wasn't comfortable working out in the 3rd floor because the floor is so creaky and shakes so much. So we rearranged furniture and made a space on the 1st floor.

We also have been binge watching movies - 1st we saw the Tomb Raider trilogy and then the 5 Jurassic Park movies. Ally has been loving them.

A perk of spending time on the 3rd floor during the day (when I would usually be at work) is that the sun hits the sequin pillow and looks like magic on the ceiling.

And another note is that Ally got new glasses. On the 3rd floor she needs glasses to see the TV - or she gets a headache because the picture is blurry. She kept saying her glasses gave her a headache and hurt - so we ordered a new pair from Warby Parker and they work much better. Ally has not had contacts in this entire Coronacation.

Cloey in the bean bag

Ally and the pets - its all the time. And when we rearranged the living room, our C-table that was near one of our couches got relocated to Ally's room and she LOVES it with her new room set up.

Masks masks masks

Cloey all dressed up and no where to go.

Ally and I did another mask delivery - Becky has sewn 75 masks to share with friends. We don't ask for money but some people have paid for them. She says it pays for her beer money.

In very exciting news, we ordered an Air Track for Ally. This is an inflatable tumbling mat. She put it to good use right away.

The things we do for the children we love.

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