Thursday, May 21, 2020

Coronacation Week 10 May 18-23

10 weeks. I never thought this “stay at home” situation would last this long. But here we are 10 weeks in. There are still 4+ weeks left of school, no gymnastics or any youth extracurricular activities, we are wearing masks to go and do anything outside our own private  yards, it’s a bizarre time.

On Wednesdays there are 4 moms and daughters who meet up at our local park for lunch and conversation. Ally has not joined us, but I go and this week one of the moms talked about how we should think of this as our “now normal” not our “new normal” because life as we know will get back to normal eventually. But that it was going to take longer than any of us want and it will be in this current state for a long time. It will be our “now normal” for months, maybe even a year or longer. 

It was and is helpful for me to remember that. 

This week wasn’t as fun filled as week 9 but it was still pretty good. We started a new project at work so I’ve been busier than usual. 

On Monday Ally participated in a social media project for her gym.

Daisy found a new place to hide; in the bins at the top shelf of Ally’s closet!!! Ally texted me this picture with the plea “I need a little help” 
Crazy cat.

I finally hung up pictures for gallery walls around the house. I’d like to get some more frames and pictures. But these were a lot of work so we will see.

Ally has started doing TikTok with Daisy!

Ally and Becky were that close to finishing Granny that game they started in week 9.

Lots of bonding for them this week. 

I modeled new company masks for my social media pages.

We got a zero gravity recliner for the back porch.

Ally had lunch at Colette’s.

And spent some time sprawled on her bed with Daisy that afternoon. Note: Daisy in her dress.

I’m starting to think Ally’s favorite part of doing a puzzle is breaking it up!

We started a new puzzle.

Ally asked for sleep on the guest bed/futon with Becky so she could sleep with Cloey. 

Cloey who is now wearing Daisy’s dress.
Ally sent me these two pictures.
Super cute.

My family in the morning.

We got some new outfits for Cloey for Becky’s weekly school message. Here they are mid-photo-shoot.

Cloey got a new crate. She HATES it. We put her food bowl in it and she barked for 45 minutes refusing to go in. Finally Becky shoved Cloey in and shut the door.

This crate looks so much nicer in the kitchen than her old one. We hope she gets used to it.

Ally asked for Nutella. We usually get an all natural chocolate hazelnut spread but she heard there was a knife inside the lid of Nutella brand. Turns out there is not but she found out she likes Nutella.

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