Saturday, January 22, 2011

Registration Complete

Yes she is going to kindergarten next year. Junior Kindergarten is what it's called in our town (pre-k) it is full day, 6 hours a day, so the same time as her preschool has been for the past 2 years. We have a lottery system here and so we now just wait and see what school we get assigned, but on Friday I officially registered Ally for "big kid" school as she likes to call it. Our main deciding factors in schools was what kind of Spanish program they offered and how close it was to our house. I'm pleased that our 3 selections are all a mile or less. This will make the daily commute a lot less time, since preschool is 1 1/2 miles from home, which makes for a long walk. We won't know until late March/early April which school Ally will attend but we've all made peace with the fact that it will be a different place than where she is now. We've made lots of friends and truly enjoy the community at Ally's preschool but it just doesn't make sense to Becky and I not to have Ally start in public school as soon as its available. We're fortunate to have full day pre-k and we feel we should take advantage of it. We'll just have to work to keep up the wonderful friendships we've made and look forward to making new friends.

I am sure it will be an adjustment come September but life is full of changes and I am sure Ally will make the transition well and be successful and happy at any school she attends.

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