Friday, February 21, 2014

Random Stuff



Ally drew a masterpiece on her white board.


Just cause I think she is beautiful.


Spelling word flashcards. Spelling in English continues to be a bit of a struggle. I spoke to Ally’s teacher about it and she said Ally keeps defaulting back to sounding things out. Even with words Ally knows. Recently she wrote a sentence and spelled if ef and of ov. Just because she is in the habit of writing like things sound! The teacher suggested helping Ally recognize the correct spelling as a way to help her remember the correct spelling. So I made flashcards with 3 wrong ways to spell a word and 1 correct way on the front, and on the back is the correct one with its #. Ally then tells me which one is correct. I am pretty silly about it and go “ding ding” in a sing song voice when its correct and make a nasty “ehhhh” sound like a buzzer when she is wrong. We’ve only tried it for one week, and I’m hoping it will help. Ally is starting to get frustrated about it, and expressed recently that she is a “bad writer” I had to explain that she is and always has been a great writer, she right now just isn’t a great speller. And spelling and writing are two different things. We’re hoping that we can work with her so that she doesn’t get discouraged about the spelling and then start not liking writing. She takes pride in her writing abilities, and she is great at it.

Her teacher said this is the time in 1st grade when then pick up the pace a bit and the expectations of “rightness” start to come into assessment.

Sometimes being a parent is tough.

But sometimes, like when all your hard work pays off with a huge improvement on your daughter's spelling test, it's very rewarding!

Nice job Ally!

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