Thursday, June 11, 2020

Coronacation Week 12 May 31-June 6

Another week gone by. The big news here is that the governor announced opening of Phase 2 starting June 8 which includes youth sports!!! And the gym sent an email they will start having in person practices June 8. 
Outdoors only but a huge milestone.

The week was a bit heavy with news of all the protests around racial issues and racial equality. We are pretty sensitive to this in our family, as Ally is pretty vocal about having brown skin and being aware that she is not white. Add to this that Ally has been considering a career in law enforcement and her experience with Police in our City has been positive but she knows it’s not like that every where. 

But in pictures here is our week:

Sunday Ally wasn’t feeling great so we spent the day at home and canceled our plans with Cheryl and Alice. Instead Ally devoured homemade chocolate chip pancakes and appreciated some treats and flowers Cheryl and Alice dropped off to cheer her up.

Ally and I started a 1000 piece puzzle. We were excited to put this children’s book puzzle together because we have so many book memories. 

We got a shaker to dispense powdered sugar on her pancakes and Ally loves it. (When pancakes are chocolate chip Ally does not use maple syrup, and eats them plain or with powdered sugar. Never butter)

After dinner we worked and worked 

And completed the puzzle.

It was a good day. Ally worked hard to stay positive and present.

Monday was school and work and therapy.

Tuesday was the gymnastics car parade! But in the morning Ally finally had an appointment at the Orthodontist! She was so happy to go. 

We met up with her teammates before the parade to decorate our cars.

Cloey came with us!

After the parade we hung out in a parking lot for over an hour. The girls and parents were just so happy to be in person and socializing. Pictured above is the girls. Eventually we went out to dinner with Stella and her mom and sister. We set up our chairs on the sidewalk of a Five Guys burger place and ate fries and burgers and milkshakes. It was delightful.

The rest of the week was uneventful. Except Cloey as Harry Potter.

But Saturday we had Guatemala Girls! I failed to get pictures of anyone but Ally. 

I took this one of Ally and Roxie from Tik Tok.

After all that socialize we were ready for a break the rest of Saturday. Ally has been enjoying her bean bag and watching TV on her computer.

But at 10pm she asked to do a puzzle with me. 
Which meant taking down the book puzzle. Ally takes great joy in folding puzzles like a towel.

So we started just before 10pm

And had it complete by midnight. 

It was a fun 500 piece puzzle.

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