In August of 2007 we had Ally evaluated by our local Early Intervention program. At 8 months old Ally could not sit on her own and she did not eat solid foods. She was accepted into the program and Ally began weekly visits with her Development Specialist, Sara. Every week for the past year Sara has come to our house and spent an hour playing with Ally all with the sole purpose of getting Ally caught up to her age group. 3 weeks ago Ally had her revaluation, and as we suspected she is now at or above age level for all developmental areas. This is the goal of the EI program and Ally is basically a poster child for their services.
Today was the first week in a year that Sara did not come. So Becky and I are feeling a bit melancholy tonight. We're so proud of Ally, her progress is truly amazing, but it is odd to have something end. In July, Ally was accepted into an EI playgroup that meets once a week and Sara is the facilitator for it, and we were thrilled that Ally can continue in the playgroup even though she is no longer receiving EI services. It has been really incredible to have received this assistance and attention. Sara is a special person and we are really grateful that she will continue to see Ally every week, even if its not one on one.
The tubes that stretch. One of Ally's favorite toys from months ago.
ahhhh, that is so sweet. It sure makes all the difference in the world when you have such an awesome person from EI. We're not too impressed with ours yet :-( but we are praying it will get better!
That is so great that she helped Ally so much and I am so glad you guys will get to continue to see her. It looks like she was really great with Ally! PS Love Allys little striped dress - too cute!
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