Saturday, December 18, 2010

Drawing & Cuddles

Ally has been drawing some amazing pictures lately:

She drew this one at school. The Winter Sing program is coming up, and one of the songs the class is singing is "Miss Polly had a Dolly" this is Ally's picture of the song. I am just fascinated that they are not typical stick figures, but that they have an actual body and feet and stick legs and arms, its such a more realistic representation of what human body shapes look like.

There is a fabulous sun in the upper left corner, with blue sky around it, a tree in the middle with green leaves at the top of it and a person standing next to the tree.

Cuddling with mama.
Our girl has been very affectionate and cuddly lately. She asks us to come sit with her to watch TV - usually Rudolph, its shown about every other day in our house, or it might be Curious George, which is Ally's favorite TV show right now. Its hard to resist when Ally asks you to "come sit with me please?" Here she is with her typical sippy cup of chocolate milk and bowl of Cheerios.

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