Friday, June 24, 2016

Last Day of 3rd grade

Wednesday was the last day of 3rd grade. I think it's fair to say we are all quite happy to have this year end. It's been quite a battle and a lot of hard work. 

It was a gym day so gym clothes and not a repeat of the 1st day of school outfit. Ally was kind of nervous because for the first time ever her school was going to announce class assignments for next year on this day, the last day of school. 
Ally did get her assignment and she was crushed. So were we, shocked actually at how bad it was, so we emailed the principal and asked if there was a mistake. AND THERE WAS A MISTAKE We found out the next day that there had been a mistake and Ally will be in the class she and we would like her in. 

She screamed and squealed in delight. She texted her friends and even called one. It was great to be able to tell her it was a mistake and now Ally is even more excited to go to 4th grade. 

Ally got a great report card, she has caught up with her peers and is ready for 4th grade! She even got the highest score possible on her Emily Dickinson project. Becky and I are so proud of Ally. 

And on to Summer!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good score on Emily Dickinson sounds like poetic justice!